HCCF Fall Grant Cycle 2020

HCCF is now accepting grant for our 2020 Fall Grant Cycle!

We recognize that uncertainty is the only constant in our current environment and that it may seem strange to consider writing grants right now. However, we have seen organizations using this time to rethink their operations, tackle projects that have been on the wish list for years, and find innovative ways to accomplish their goals. We hope to use our Fall Grant Cycle to support these efforts. As always, our grant cycle is open to any organization seeking to improve the quality of life in Huron County.

The application can be found via the button below. All applications must be returned to HCCF via email by August 24, 2020 at 4 p.m. Recipient will be notified and asked to attend the HCCF Annual Celebration on September 17 to be recognized. Please remember that, per HCCF policy, organizations have one year from the date of disbursement to utilize their grant dollars. When considering applying, think of the things that could be accomplished between now and late September 2021! Organizations who received Emergency Assistance Grant dollars are eligible to apply for funding for a project or initiative that did not directly benefit from the Emergency Assistance Grant dollars.

If you have any questions, or would like to discuss an idea or potential project, contact Mackenzie at mackenzie@huroncounty.com or 989-269-2850.